Time Catches Us All

Upon first glance, Today’s Perfect Moment, is somewhat quiet in nature. However, don’t let it fool you.  It has its own depth.

After a long day that began with a little bit of a lie in, and continued in the dentist chair and ended in a hot classroom administering practice speaking tests, I was thoroughly beat. The bus ride didn’t do me any favours either, but since I complain about commuting too much, I would rather just leave that out.

From the stop to my home is a short straight walk. It’s monotony is only broken by beautiful sunsets over the Asian market, or either stationary or moving obstacles on the sidewalk.  moving obstacles include walkers, people cycling on the sidewalk (don’t even get me started on this one) and people not paying attention because they are looking at their phones.  Stationary obstacles include construction, misplaced furniture for garbage pickup, fallen trees, and really slow moving walkers.

Today, there was a stationary obstacle. The city had replaced some electrical equipment (giant green box that in my childhood was cool but positively reeks with uncoolness in my adulthood) and needed to replace the sidewalk in front of it.  To ward off mischievous types, they put up a plastic fence all around it–I’ll let you know if anyone manages to defeat the maximum security.

Rounding the obstacle, I spotted my neighbour out walking her super cute and super intelligent dog Benny. I stopped to have a pleasant conversation. We spoke for a while and wondered why Benny was on a leash.  She explained that he had gone deaf and no longer heeded her calls.  I was going to accuse the dog of indifference, but thought it unfair.

I guess time catches us all. Earlier in the day, my hygienist remarked that she had known me for some 18 years.  She wondered where time went.  I could have told her where, but I thought that too was unfair.

Dear readers, you know me well. So what was the Perfect Moment?

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