The Brochures are in the Mail

Up until at least September of last year my English friend Craig was quite sure we were going to be able to go on our cycling trip in South Africa. I admired his optimism but didn’t share it. In the end, things had not gotten better and that trip was cancelled and my money refunded. In 2020, I had planned to go to Colombia, South Africa, and Chicago (and take a trip to Notre Dame). Only Colombia happened–and just barely.

This year, 2021, is proving to be a bit different. While I cannot say with any certainty that I will be traveling, there does seem to be some optimism in the air. You see, I have started to receive some travel brochures. It’s awesome to go to the mailbox and see a big envelope where, until recently, I only found bills and the odd assortment of stamps from 1970. I guess these tour companies are now also feeling optimistic.

The first one I received was from VBT. Not surprisingly, the company was known as Vermont Bicycle Touring. However, since their trips now go far beyond that New England state and into the wide world, the initials are probably a better choice.

Receiving a thick brochure of more than 150 pages is wonderful. It’s kind of like getting the Sears Christmas Wishbook. There are pages and pages to explore and lots of pictures to gawk at. There are hypothetical plans to make, and dreams to be dreamt. I treat it like that Christmas catalog. I leave it on my desk, on the breakfast table, on the coffee table, or on my nightstand. I take it in the car when I think I am going to have to wait. I dip into randomly, passing over the same pages many times, and discovering new ones. I read a few paragraphs here and there. I go back and try and be methodical, but then something catches my eye or my mind starts asking questions and I find myself flipping pages again.

The second brochure was from Backroads. They seem to have active adventure trips that have a cycling element. A quick flip through the pages reveals kayaking, white water rafting, hiking, and snowshoeing. While I love taking a bike trip, it doesn’t hurt to do some other adventures.

As this one came today, I haven’t dug as deep into it as I would like. It’s also got over 150 pages to occupy my brain. I expect to be making many hypothetical trip plans with their destinations to. I will be busy teaching tomorrow, and hopefully out on my bike for the afternoon, but as the sun goes down, and my body recuperates on the couch, I will be flipping through those pages.

The itch to go traveling has not gone away. These brochures have some novel bike and boat trips which I think would be wonderful. I am not a cruise person, but the idea is so interesting. I could wake up and be ready to ride in a totally different place. These trips seem a bit more deluxe than my previous vacations, but a bit of an upgrade is not out of the question. I know I am worth it.

I am so glad brochures are being sent out and plans are being made. My passport is still valid, I have both vaccinations, and my cycling form is better than ever.

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