Rainy Day Movie

love in TokyoIt was a rainy day outside and even though my girlfriend and I promised we would go out and walk a bit, we did not. Instead we ate a fantastic breakfast and a fantastic late lunch.  In the middle of that I had the chance to take advantage of her Amazon Prime membership and watch some stuff.

One of the things I chose was called Love in Tokyo featuring Jonathan Sherr.  I remember him from English Teachers.  I wouldn’t call this a great movie….maybe not even a good one, but that doesn’t always bother me.  I was feeling a bit nostalgic for Japan and even though Japan is rarely featured in a “normal” way in movies, there are usually occasional bits that I find appealing.

The best thing about this movie was that it treated Japan quite normally.  The main character wasn’t shocked at everything he saw and didn’t feel the need to explain things.  Yes, there was a bit of fish out of water nonsense, but that was amplified because the main character existed more online than in real life.  His online persona was cool, but his real life character was severely lacking.  Luckily, he meets a more down to earth “free spirit” (their description, not mine).  There were lots of predictable moments, but those probably exist in this blog too–those who live in glass houses….

So, it was a time waster, but it was nice in that regard. There were some other Japanese films I would have like to see, but there’s plenty of time for that.  Winter is coming.

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