

I am still not completely processed the whole, I’m now 50 thing yet. However, I have had to write that on a few forms and it is starting to sink in.  Expect some blogs in the next few days to focus on whether or not I feel any different.  In the meantime, I would like to write a short blog of appreciation.

While it wasn’t a surprise party, I wasn’t the one inviting people and I had no idea what was going to happen. I expected to see my friends and family, but I wasn’t expecting that any of them bring gifts.  While I was mistaken in that, I was blown away by their generosity.

What surprised me most is how well the people in my life know me. The gifts clearly reflect that people know me quite well.  And I thought I was a mysterious enigma.  Obviously not.

While this isn’t Today’s Perfect Moment, it is a Perfect Moment.

And, yes, my friend brought me a can of Labatt 50 to mark the occasion.  Apparently, according to the person at either the beer store or LCBO (I don’t remember where he bought it)  this is “a thing” and it happens at least once a week.

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