

I am still not completely processed the whole, I’m now 50 thing yet. However, I have had to write that on a few forms and it is starting to sink in.  Expect some blogs in the next few days to focus on whether or not I feel any different.  In the meantime, I would like to write a short blog of appreciation.

While it wasn’t a surprise party, I wasn’t the one inviting people and I had no idea what was going to happen. I expected to see my friends and family, but I wasn’t expecting that any of them bring gifts.  While I was mistaken in that, I was blown away by their generosity.

What surprised me most is how well the people in my life know me. The gifts clearly reflect that people know me quite well.  And I thought I was a mysterious enigma.  Obviously not.

While this isn’t Today’s Perfect Moment, it is a Perfect Moment.

And, yes, my friend brought me a can of Labatt 50 to mark the occasion.  Apparently, according to the person at either the beer store or LCBO (I don’t remember where he bought it)  this is “a thing” and it happens at least once a week.

This Year’s Jersey

After a mediocre and rather long teaching day, I headed to Gears Bike Shop to pick up to pick up my package for the 2016 Epic Tour. If you recall, last year’s Epic Tour was a cold and rainy affair that lasted for 125 kilometres, redeemed by the strong organization and top speed of 72km/hr (down hill, in the rain, slickly paved surface–I can laugh about it now).  If you want to read about it, please click here.

This year, I have signed up for the 140 kilometre version. I was feeling particularly ambitious when I signed up.  I am hoping to regain some of that ambitious with more frequent rides in July.

The jersey looks good and the kit is very complete. Getting it only required a short bus ride and who amongst us doesn’t enjoy a look around the bike shop?  I managed to leave without spending any money, but the temptations were certainly there.

In conversation with someone at the store, I told them that I saw their affiliated cycling group (Morning Glory) on the opening of the GCN show (check it out YouTube). He told me that their weekend rides leave from the parking lot at 5:45.  I was too stunned to say anything.  I guess I had better stop complaining about my group’s 8:30 starts.

Add it all up:

Bike store + good weather+ cool new jersey+ info on bike trips +the positive interactions with students I failed to mention when I wrote the whole day off as mediocre = Today’s Perfect Moment


Live and in Person

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For those who know, getting hockey tickets in Toronto is not without its challenges.  Although the price starts at astronomical and climbs to unheard of peaks, there really aren’t a lot of tickets available.  Word on the street (or any place the fans gather to grumble) is that corporate fat cats have swallowed up all the tickets and prying them loose would take an act of God.

Today’s perfect moment saw me live at the game in seats that are certainly beyond my financial ability, drinking beer so expensive that it must contain some secret ingredient or elixir.

What do I owe my good fortune to?  Good friends who know that there are very few things that would make me happier than seeing a Leaf game at the ACC.   They don’t even have to ask me.  Just tell me when and where to meet them and I am there.  I love the atmosphere of a live game.  I love the memorabilia of a time when the team was dominant, or when the team was full of the heroes of my youth.

Whenever I am there, and those are rare times indeed, I just love to soak in all the things that are happening.  I love everything from the walk past the ticket scalpers who have been using the same nasally voice to sell hockey tickets since my youth to the hot dog vendors to the team swag to the long line at the washrooms between periods.

Tonight’s contest featured the Washington Capitals taking on the Leafs.  Being a fan of a down-on-their-luck hockey team is not without its challenges.  However, despite their likely defeat, having a chance to go to a game is always a highlight for me.  Being with one of my best friends made it perfect.


Suddenly, It Has Become So Very Real

jersey 002Earlier this year, probably in the middle of March, I signed up to ride 125 km.   There were longer alternatives (165 and 140 to be exact) and there were shorter alternatives. How I settled on 125 is not overly clear right now. It was probably that it seemed quite long, but not insanely long. I probably also wanted to be able to brag a little…probably.

I was pretty excited about it all, but hadn’t actually been cycling when I decided that I could do it. In March there was snow on the ground, and I was probably still thinking about skiing. I signed up and went about my business.

I have done some cycling this summer, always with the thought of this “epic tour” (that is the name of the event, so it really isn’t hyperbole as much as it is sarcasm) in the back of my mind. Of course, being in the back of my mind, I hadn’t really committed the date to memory.

Last week I got an email saying that my registration kit was ready to be picked up. As with other rides, you need registration papers, a number, some sort of waiver, and of course the jersey. Suddenly, upon opening the kit, it all became really real. In about a month, I am going to have to ride these 125kms.jersey 001

For those of you who have been following my blog, I think the longest I have done is about 90kms. Being poorly prepared with food and electrolytes, that one became a handful, and saw me resting at the coffee shop guzzling smoothies and other beverages before completing the final ten kilometres.

I have been out since then, and I have more knowledge. I just wonder if it is enough. Additionally, as it is an organized event, there will be pit stops and transportation of shame for those who can’t make it. I don’t know what the pit stops will contain, but I hope food is one of those things.

I am a little worried because I don’t really know what the hills are going to be like. I have done some good climbing and some terrible climbing with my club. When I have the momentum, I can do a good job scampering up the hills, but the route might be more crowded and pacing could be a problem. I guess we swill see in a month.

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This unassuming box contained the jersey, the forms, the number and a catalogue of interesting bike trips.

As far as the jersey goes, I had a choice of three colours and settled on the red after looking at the blue and yellow in person and thinking that the yellow was more of a neon green and the blue just didn’t do anything for my eyes.

Hopefully, I will get some good pictures of the event.

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