Stuff Pho My Trip

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Probably one of my biggest worries was that I would forget to pack my helmet and cycling gloves.  I know that sounds weird, but that is one of the things that I have worried about while I should have been sleeping these last couple of weeks.

Rather than wait for that to happen, I got a jump on it and the helmet, glove and sunglasses are already packed and ready to go.

My other big worry is not being able to sleep on the plane.  In past trips to Japan I rarely managed more than a few minutes before I woke up.  However, since I have been practicing on the bus, I suspect that will be less of a problem.

I am flying Cathay Pacific.  I have never flown with that airline before.  Back in the days when I was reading Noble House and Tai Pan (and all the other Clavell books), I had quite a fascination with Hong Kong and Cathay Pacific.  I hope reality isn’t too harsh.

I also managed to get a few Dong.  I appreciate colourful money.  I am not sure how I will manage with all those zeroes, but I am hoping it will turn out alright.


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