A Job Well Done

two pilots flying an airplane
Photo by KML on Pexels.com

You know that part of the airplane journey where the captain comes on over the loudspeaker and tells you about the flight you are going to take. The Captain predicts the flying time, claims that we are going to be early if the tower lets us leave on time,  and then makes some jokes about the food.  At the end of the flight, the captain later comes on and thanks you for flying with that particular airline, informs you of the current temperature and bids you a final goodbye.

I do enjoy these rituals of flight. They get me excited for my destination and let me know that something different is happening.  I guess it is similar to hearing the “start your engines” call at a car race.  Maybe it is not dissimilar to the advisory when getting on a scary amusement park ride.  Something different is about to happen.

Today, I heard one of those announcements in a rather unusual place. I was on the subway, slowly creeping towards my destination when the voice over the PA system said something like

Attention ladies and gentlemen. We are approaching Finch station.  We will be arriving shortly.  On behalf of the TTC, my driving partner, and myself, I want to wish you a wonderful evening.

I was a bit dumbfounded. The usual TTC voice is a disinterested one that can barely pronounce all the syllables in the station names.  My students often remark that when they can understand the TTC driver’s announcements, they will feel very confident in their English.

I am not entirely sure why I am drawn to this moment or why it is Today’s Perfect Moment except to say that I can appreciate it when someone does their job well–above and beyond what is expected of them. I also like being reminded that I am going to get on a plane in a few weeks and depart for a warmer climate.

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