The Inner Child


Today, totally without planning and possibly due to an error by the TTC which saw a subway car stop at the platform, not open its doors and drive away, I got on a subway completely decorated inside and out to the theme of Toy Story.

Obviously this was a gigantic advertisement for the Disney Attraction. However, looking beyond the commercialism of the thing (which is no different than them bombarding me with ads for mattresses or internet service providers) I felt it reach that little boy inside me.  Toy Story is one of my favourite cartoons (though The Incredibles is probably best…or maybe the first Despicable Me….now I am digressing)

Toy Story is one of my favourite cartoons and though I saw it first as an adult, it filled me with the same sense of wonder as a child. It certainly paved the way for all the good cartoons and superhero movies we have now.

I have never been to Disney and I don’t think I will ever go. However, for a few moments, I could at least picture it.


Leave My Bananas Alone!

banana 001

I thought it was a one-off. I thought that it would happen once and never again.  How sadly I misjudged Hollywood.  How sadly I thought their greed had limits.

They have gone and defiled my banana again–though this time it seems a bit more fitting, if only because of the colour.

For those of you who missed my lament (perhaps rant would be a better word) the last time this happened, please click here.

Really?! On My Banana?

I know this blog is all about positivity and finding the best part of the day, but sometimes, I just need to get something off my chest. Sometimes things, even barely significant things, weigh on you and venting them seems like the best option.  I promise it won’t get too ranty….and maybe there is a chuckle in here somewhere.

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So this morning, while organizing my lunch for work (I don’t brown bag it exactly…I have a lunch sack) I came across the picture above. That’s right.  There was advertising on my banana.

I’ll let that sink in.

There was advertising on my banana.

When did this happen? Who decided that bananas were a place to advertise anything, let along a Disney movie?  I get it.  Parents want their kids to be healthy, so they’ll pack them a banana for lunch.  The kid gets advertised to.  Kind of subliminal, no?  I wonder if the parents have caught on yet?

Skipping past that, though I am not sure we should, let’s get back to who decided this question. Was there leftover advertising money and someone said, “I know, bananas.”  Who needs Super Bowl commercials when I can advertise on bananas?  Why not apples?  Why not peaches?  Is it something about the colour yellow? Is there some connection to Beauty and the Beast I am unaware of?  Wouldn’t tea have been more appropriate?

I guess if I worked in marketing, I might think this was genius. It’s new and different.  It gets to the target market.  It probably isn’t that expensive.  I mean, the stickers got to go on anyway, so what if they contain ads?

Perhaps, I should be so condemning, If there is money to spend on banana advertising, maybe there is money to fund this blog.  Maybe there is money to send me on more cycling trips.


I checked my bananas and not all of the stickers contain advertising.  Does that mean there wasn’t a big enough budget?  Does that mean that only select bananas were graced with the sticker ads?  It gets more confusing with each passing moment.

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