Learning Something Cool

I probably should have Googled it, but instead I let it rattle around in my brain. It wasn’t that I didn’t think I would find the answer, but rather that I didn’t think an answer existed. It turns out that I was completely wrong.

I’ve been painting my guest room for the past couple of days. I wrote about the ceiling and the pink paint that turned white after it dried. (You can read about it here) This has been an ongoing process because there were holes to patch and sand, primer to cover over some ghastly drawings, the ceiling and other things. Just the other day, I broke two paint rollers in the same day. One snapped off at the handle and the other came loose inside the handle and started swinging side to side. In case you were wondering, these were cheap rollers that came with paint trays. I’m no painting expert, so I thought they would be good enough. Perhaps I was wrong.

So, today, while I was picking up the paint–a shade simply called “Graceful” in English and “Avec Grace” in French (There should be a circumflex on the a.) –I decided to purchase a better roller. I am not sure I needed to spend the extra money, but I suspect I made a wise purchase. I thought it was going to be twelve dollars, but after checking the receipt just before I typed this, I discovered that they only charged me ten. While waiting for the can to shake up, I asked the friendly woman at the paint counter the thing that had been rattling around in my brain.

I asked if there was a special way to put the paint rollers on because mine kept rolling off the roller and had to be readjusted almost constantly. It was frustrating, but I just kept adjusting it. I wasn’t expecting an answers, but she said, yes there was. She mumbled something about direction and rolling, then said she couldn’t quite remember, but would Google it for me. She couldn’t find what she was looking for but hailed a passing clerk and he explained that the rollers had a natural direction of travel and that if you rolled one in your hand it would be clear which direction the roller travelled in. That direction was the one you inserted first so the roller would always be travelling against the stop at the inside end of the roller handle.

He also explained that the cage on my paint roller was better. Since I had already decided on purchasing the roller, I didn’t think he was upselling me. I have included a picture of the roller above and you can be the judge. It was then that I felt I was making the right choice.

I went home and tried the method and surprise surprise it worked. The roller did not come off the handle. I probably should have looked up painting hacks before I went to the store–but that’s what the paint counter at the store is for. Knowing this won’t change my life, but it will change my painting life just like the trick with the squeeze mustard bottle has changed my food preparation life. Getting an answer to something that was frustrating me is Today’s Perfect Moment. It is probably true that it never hurts to ask.

Is there some question that you would like to know the answer to? I probably don’t have an answer, but maybe one of my readers will. If you ask, you might possibly get an answer.

Scenes from the Past Few Days (part one)

So this morning, I painted my ceiling pink.

Did that catch your attention? It probably shouldn’t have. It really isn’t shocking in 2020. Also, I should add that I thought I was painting my ceiling purple–at least that is what it said on the can. More specifically, it said “mauve” but why open up that can of worms.

One of my current projects is sprucing up my guest room. When I moved in many years ago, the previous occupant had been a young child who visited his grandmother on occasion–my neighbour filled me in on all the details. The walls had been adorned with rather crude castles, stars, and several versions of the planet Saturn. This might have been dramatic if the pictures had been done well. Instead they were done with paint that didn’t wash off. It also was hard to cover over despite going to “the good paint store” with the “good name” and buying their primer.

Last week I went to Home Hardware (not Home Depot) and bought some of their primer. It covered it up in one solid coat. Fantastic. Wish I had done it sooner. I was told the “good paint store” was better, but now I don’t think so. When I figure out what colour I want the walls to be, that is where I am going to buy it.

As for the ceiling, they have this paint that goes on pink (despite saying purple on the lable–and since I went to Western, I know what the colour purple is) but quickly turns white after it is applied. Pretty cool. Of course online reviews mentioned this pink purple fiasco because one customer was colour blind to pink but not purple–you can imagine the hostile language used.

While I wouldn’t call painting fun, the idea of getting something done that has hung over me for a while was fantastic. Definitely a Perfect Moment. Once I get the room done, I will turn it back into a guest room and house my stamp collection and stamp desk there. That should free up some real estate in both the master bedroom, the basement and the home office. I am not sure what I will do with the space, but I am sure it will come in handy.

Thanks to the Covid weight gain, a turbo trainer would be ideal if I could find one.

Are there any projects waiting to be done in your space? I would love to hear what they are and what is keeping you from getting them done.

Santa Marta

IMG_20200301_210353_053I awoke the next morning and nothing was clear.  I was pretty sure I was going home and was kind of excited about that.  We gathered in the lobby and the CEO said nothing.  The people who were headed to Santa Marta to begin the trek headed for the transport.  I looked at the CEO and he said nothing.

Finally he asked me what I was going to do.  I asked if he had heard from them.  Of course he had, but had failed to clue me in.  Basically, I could leave the tour early, and get new flights.  The flights would be five days later, and I would need to book my own hotel rooms, and I would have to pay 600 dollars to rebook my flight–more than I paid for the original flight.

So, obviously, I said I was going to start the trek.

So we all took the transport to Santa Marta.  The group was quiet, maybe even a little tense, and we made good time.  It was a four hour drive, but the scenery was good.  I could have used a book for some of it, but I hadn’t bought the book at the airport, so I was out of luck.

In Santa Marta, we were given our walking tour.  There were only four of us at this point.  We went to a vegetarian restaurant and I had a falafel wrap.  Obviously not authentically Colombian, but it tasted pretty good.

We went to the shops to get some more essentials.  I would need some TP as there was no guarantee there would be any at the camps.  Since I was sick, I had to take this seriously.  I also had to get some hand sanitizer.

Later, I split with the group and walked around.  I went down to the beach and dipped my feet in the water–went for a paddle as the Brits say.  The beach was fun, but I am not a beach person.  I was also concerned about the upcoming trek and wondered how it would all go.

The newly formed trekking group met at six.  There were some Canadians on the tour and they spotted me in my Raptors t-shirt immediately.  The new CEO had everyone introduce themselves, and I was much happier with the new group.  He then went over the trip and how it would unfold.  Since the eight new members were there specifically for the trek, I could tell they were a bit more hardcore than I was.

The CEO then asked me about my illness and what happened.  I explained to the group that I had almost bailed out and was quite nervous.  They were all pretty supportive and I felt a lot better.


We went out to eat a local specialty and were in a restaurant with some fantastic paintings of the 27 club and David Bowie.  The food was bit too heavy and my stomach really wasn’t feeling better.

The next morning we packed the things we would carry in our small packs and left the other things at the hotel.  We were going to be gone for five days and everything had to be carried by us in that time.

Growing Enthusiasm


I’ve written before about choosing birthday gifts. In those posts, I wrote about gifts for my youngest niece and nephews.  I want to buy them every toy in the toy store and luckily, they want ever toy in the toy store.  They also aren’t shy about telling you what they want in the most direct of ways.

Buying for adults, though, is harder.  Adults come pre-conditioned to utter completely useless phrases like, “I don’t need much.” or “Just something small.” or ” Whatever you get me will be fine.  Don’t go to any trouble.”  And of course the topper, “Surprise me!”  None of these suggestions will lead to less aimless wandering of the store.  Worse, they might cause buying paralysis or panic buying.

Most recently, I bought my girlfriend some watercolours, a book on how to paint using watercolours with exercises in it, and some brushes. I thought it was a good gift, but at times my confidence waivered.  I worried that she wouldn’t have time to do it.  I also worried that while it came up as a want when we were watching some British painting show on YouTube, whether or not the desire still there.

I should also point out that visual art is not something I really gravitate to. I have been to a couple of big art galleries in Europe and enjoyed them.  I have enjoyed some aspects of pop art.  I have enjoyed comic books and Japanese animation.  However, I still prefer rhythm of words to colours and images.

That also means I don’t know a lot about art and what constitutes good art material. I was concerned as to whether or not the paints I chose were adequate.  I also wondered if you could actually learn something like this from a book–but being a man of words, I quickly pushed that concern off to the side.

On the day of the big opening she was quite happy and I felt pretty good that I had made the right choice.

Blast forward a few days, and we come to Today’s Perfect Moment. My girlfriend confided in me that she had started reading the book and had watched some videos on YouTube.  She is rather busy with work. so I didn’t expect her to have any time in the near future for this.  However, I could see a glint of enthusiasm in her eye.

Earlier today, she had the opportunity to visit the art store where I picked up the material. They had set up a display of watercolours so that people could try them out.  I encouraged her to go and check it out–if only to ask some questions.  It also didn’t seem like a bad idea to do some practice on other people’s materials first.

When we talked about it later, she had an enthusiasm I hadn’t seen for a few weeks…maybe longer. It wasn’t just a glint in her eye, but something that seemed to envelop her.  It wasn’t that edgy kind of excitement that some people get when they’re getting ready for a vacation.  It wasn’t that edgy feeling you get when a concert is about to start.  It was something deeper.

It was so great to see. It was infectious.  It was Today’s Perfect Moment.


Yesterday’s Perfect Moment was a bit of indulgence. After a morning of doctor appointments which only yielded further appointments, and a fruitless search at the library for something to read, I was ready for indulgence.


I shouldn’t whine too much. I went to the library unprepared and in a bit of a time crunch.  If I had had more time, I might have found some inspiring books.  I really had the wrong mindset.  I managed to take a couple of books away, but I will have to go back when I have more time and try and find something else.

Please, please feel free to recommend some books (classic or new)

On a positive note, I did get to meet a local artist Ana Kingdon. She was painting in the library.  She is definitely talented and a few of her pieces really spoke to me.  (the one with the bicycle).  Here is a link to her moment in the library.

Back to indulgence. I really shouldn’t be hyping up anyone’s products.  I am not a professional reviewer, and the company didn’t give this too me for free.  It would be awesome if I could do that some day.  I have even written some letters to try and make this happen.  No luck so far.

Back to indulgence. Mixing ice cream and alcohol sounds like a no brainer to me.  I am sure there are some issues with temperature, and this is probably more flavour simulation than alcohol, but they seemed to have accomplished it.  It was delicious and decadent.  Despite the adult nature of my indulgence, I was unable to accompany it with a Kabuki drama and other high arts.  Instead, I watched some low-brow TV to relax.


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