Over Easy


Cooking shows have come a long way since the early days of television. I especially remember Wok with Yan on Canadian TV.  It was a much simpler time and so different from things like Hell’s Kitchen, Top Chef, and the British Baking Show.  With the exception of the original Japanese TV show Iron Chef, I am not sure things are better.

What has this got to do with Today’s Perfect Moment? Everything and nothing is the best answer I can give you.  Hopefully after reading a bit more you will understand.

Today’s Perfect Moment has to do with omelettes. I love making and eating omelettes. On my fantastic bike trips to Vietnam and Cambodia I had them as often as possible.  At home, I have them less often, but I still enjoy them on weekends when I have a chance to have them.  If you follow my instagram page, you have probably already seen photos of them.  You might even have read my post Omelette Revisited.

Today’s Perfect Moment is not about making the perfect omelette. There are lots of perfect ones. My omelette creations are dictated by what I have in the fridge and who I might be making them for.  Usually they are pretty good and sometimes they are even great.  Though I hate to brag, I have to tell you that today’s omelet was great.  Sadly, I didn’t have the forethought to prepare some good sides to go with it.

So if Today’s Perfect Moment is not about the perfect omelette, what is it about? Today’s Perfect Moment was about the perfect omelette flip out of the pan and onto the plate.  Nothing stuck. The omelette was cooked perfectly–the vegetables cooked but not too soft, the cheese melted, but not runny, and the eggs just fluffy enough.  When it came out of the pan it hit the plate in a perfect half-moon without breaking.  I muttered a “Ta Da!” to myself.

Everything comes full circle. This was something I had learned from one of those early cooking shows.

If you want to read more about my cooking adventures, I recommend the following blogs.

The Chicken Sandwich

An Oversight

Turkey, the Day After

A Tech Win


I am not a luddite. I have a blog, an Instagram, even Facebook.  At work, I use a smart board and we have interactive textbooks.  I use tech pretty much every day.  The thing is, I am not great at it.  I use it, but I am so far behind people who really utilize tech.

I suppose, I could learn it, but if I had more time I would much rather be out on my bicycle, or failing that learning how to keep my bike it tip top shape.

A small side note: I have looked into taking a bicycle mechanic’s course.  It is very appealing to me.  If I thought I could make the same money as the job I am doing, I would probably do it in a heartbeat.  This could be because dealing with cyclists seems much easier than dealing with students right now–but this is probably a grass is always greener on the other side kind of thing.

Back to the tech problem. These days, they make it easy to solve most tech problems by buying a new one.  No need to fix the problem, just buy a new one.  In my current case, the sd card on the phone kept saying it was full.  This seemed a bit ridiculous to me since I used to have 1000 photos on it, and now I didn’t.  If 1000 photos didn’t fill it up, what could I possibly have on it that could take up so much space?  The sd card was 16GB.  I checked with other phone users, including my students who have hundreds of apps on their phones and thousands of pictures, and they didn’t seem to have the problems that I had.  I then looked at what was in the memory and it didn’t add up to so many GBs.

Of course, the card is actually a micro sd and wouldn’t fit the card reader in the computer. After a search of the drawer of lost tech (Don’t tell me you don’t have one.  We all have one.  It might be a drawer, it might be a box, it might even be a plastic bag in the closet–we all have the place where we put all the tech stuff that we don’t use.) I found the adapter.

Well a quick ten seconds in the computer and a quick reformat and things are back to normal. I now have tons of space on my phone.

I had planned to spend a couple of minutes in the electronics store being talked down to by tech nerds….or geek squads…or whatever the heck they call themselves or are called by the tech friendly, but now I don’t have to.

Saving money + problem solving + feeling proud of myself = Today’s Perfect Moment.

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