A Moment Later and…

The slightly cooler weather is no deterrent to using the barbecue. In fact, if I use my father as an example, he routinely uses the barbecue in sub-zero temperatures surrounded by snow mounds. I have done the same, and I can assure you that it is even pretty when the falling snowflakes dissolve on contact, or when nearing the roasting grill. Rain, however, is a different story.

The weather has been lackluster all day. It has rained off and on since early morning. The sky was so dark that I felt the need to put on the light in my office/virtual classroom in hopes that my students would see me more clearly.

When making the fateful decision to barbecue, one is pretty much committed. If I chose wrong, I would be dashing out into the rain with the flipper in one hand and an umbrella clutched in the other. The plate would be wet not only with meat drippings but tears from the sky as well. My back door, assuming I found a free finger or two to grip the handle, would feature a wet hallway that would need cleaning and potentially be slippery.

I threw caution to the wind….mostly because I was hungry. It was only as I was taking the meat off the barbecue that I felt the first drops of rain. I made it indoors without soggy meat, and got down to dinner. This narrow escape is Today’s Perfect Moment.

Frying Pans

So universe, there is something I have been wondering about for a long time. Why don’t they sell lids with frying pans?

I know, you can buy lids separately, but they rarely fit, and they rarely look like they belong with the frying pan. I want to delicately cook my chicken for my chicken sandwich, and a lid is essential.

You might argue that since frying pans are easily scratched and more easily disposed of that having a lid would cause a person to have a pile of leftover lids. That may be true, but you don’t have to sell every pan with a lid. And if I had the lid already, I would probably buy the same frying pan again. How is that for marketing?

When One Receives a Lunch


I don’t know whether it is a universal truth, but I tend to think food made by other people–and I am not talking about restaurants, though it is sometimes the case, but also sometimes not–tastes better than food you make yourself.

Today’s Perfect Moment is a case in point. Someone offered to bring me lunch today.  Actually, they offered to bring me lunch on Tuesday, but Wednesday seemed like a better day.  After a few polite refusals (maybe I just made them in my head.  I am not really sure) I gladly accepted.

What I got were a nice assortment of stuffed peppers and stuffed eggplant. I should also remark that this is not something I would have ever made for myself, and would never have taken for lunch.  However, I can confirm what most of you already suspect, it was delicious.

I remember going for dinner at a friend’s house. He wasn’t particularly fond of his wife’s cooking and his biggest complaint was that she “didn’t put any love into the food.”  As only seems fair after a comment like that, this often led to him cooking and most people who ate it commented that he didn’t put a lot of skill into his cooking.

Take that however you want, but my lunch tasted good. It also ended with a wonderful dessert of one sliver of a kitkat–eaten the proper way.  My lunch companion, and preparer of the meal, perhaps in an attempt to push my buttons, ate the last two sticks of a kitkat by biting into both sticks at once–I know, completely the wrong way.

After reading this post, I don’t want you to think that I am a terrible cook. I am no Iron Chef, but I can make a few edible things.  When it comes to lunch at work, I prefer my low carb option of salad with chicken, or my high carb option of a delicious and lovingly made sandwich.

I may have to do some rethinking.

Over Easy


Cooking shows have come a long way since the early days of television. I especially remember Wok with Yan on Canadian TV.  It was a much simpler time and so different from things like Hell’s Kitchen, Top Chef, and the British Baking Show.  With the exception of the original Japanese TV show Iron Chef, I am not sure things are better.

What has this got to do with Today’s Perfect Moment? Everything and nothing is the best answer I can give you.  Hopefully after reading a bit more you will understand.

Today’s Perfect Moment has to do with omelettes. I love making and eating omelettes. On my fantastic bike trips to Vietnam and Cambodia I had them as often as possible.  At home, I have them less often, but I still enjoy them on weekends when I have a chance to have them.  If you follow my instagram page, you have probably already seen photos of them.  You might even have read my post Omelette Revisited.

Today’s Perfect Moment is not about making the perfect omelette. There are lots of perfect ones. My omelette creations are dictated by what I have in the fridge and who I might be making them for.  Usually they are pretty good and sometimes they are even great.  Though I hate to brag, I have to tell you that today’s omelet was great.  Sadly, I didn’t have the forethought to prepare some good sides to go with it.

So if Today’s Perfect Moment is not about the perfect omelette, what is it about? Today’s Perfect Moment was about the perfect omelette flip out of the pan and onto the plate.  Nothing stuck. The omelette was cooked perfectly–the vegetables cooked but not too soft, the cheese melted, but not runny, and the eggs just fluffy enough.  When it came out of the pan it hit the plate in a perfect half-moon without breaking.  I muttered a “Ta Da!” to myself.

Everything comes full circle. This was something I had learned from one of those early cooking shows.

If you want to read more about my cooking adventures, I recommend the following blogs.

The Chicken Sandwich

An Oversight

Turkey, the Day After

When It Gets Cold


With the snow coming down and most people thinking about hunkering down for the day–and the Toronto Maple Leafs not playing hockey on a Saturday (a big WTF for me since this has already happened a couple of times this season) I decided to do something to warm me up.

That’s right. I made a big mess of chilli. I wouldn’t call myself a great cook, and I certainly won’t win any chilli competitions, but I don’t care.  This is exactly the food I wanted on a day like today.  It’s warm, it’s got a little kick, cheese can be added to it, and it can taste better the next day.

What is your idea of comfort food on a cold winter day?

More Christmas Food


I probably shouldn’t be writing about another meal, but it happened again. No turkey this time, and really it wasn’t so much a meal as it was a standing supply of food on the kitchen island.  There were many things, but to make it sound classier, I will call it charcuterie–Canadian style.

Among the many standouts, were my brother’s venison hors d’oeuvres. Being a life long animal lover, he had always refrained from activities in which animals could or would be harmed.  This included hunting.  However, being a meat eater, he recently concluded that he had to take responsibility for the death of animals, and that hunting would be no different than buying meat in the supermarket.  So this is his first deer.

I have to say that it tasted quite good.

We’ve almost got a white Christmas going on…

Too Early for Turkey?


I am sure I have explained this before, but for the benefit of anyone coming to this blog for the first time, I will do my best to be brief. Owing to the fact that my family and the connections between different members (think in-laws) the demands of Christmas mean that everyone want to see everyone else and scheduling can be difficult–Does it really matter who you grace with your presence on Christmas day or Christmas eve?  Apparently it does.

My father, to his credit, does not care what day we celebrate Christmas and eat together. He only cares that everyone can be assembled at one time.  This year it happened on the 15th.  This is not the earliest we have done it (I think the record was a full two weeks before Christmas), but this is certainly early.  Most people haven’t done their last minute Christmas shopping yet.  Last year I was cycling in  Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam and arrived the day before we celebrated.  Ah what a difference a year makes.

So, how does this translate into yesterday’s perfect Moment? Most of you are still anticipating your turkey dinner (or some other tradition that I am unaware of)  I, on the other hand, having already had my turkey, have moved onto the turkey leftover phase.  Yesterday was the delicious turkey sandwich.  I would have preferred to use alfalfa sprouts instead of lettuce, but lettuce is what I had on hand.  Also, you probably cannot see the spicy mustard, but rest assured it was there.

Delicious. And I have enough turkey for another one–maybe two.

The Chicken Sandwich

IMG_20181209_145951432It’s rare for me to cook for someone else.  It isn’t that I am a bad cook, bur rather that the opportunity doesn’t come up often.  Today was one of those opportunities and I did my best.

When I think of impressive meal, my first choice would be to make lasagna.  If made correctly/well, this is one delicious meal.  In my life, I have only made it really well once–and that was almost 30 years ago.  Why I still hold onto that memory is a wonder, but I do.  Spaghetti would be another go to option.  A friend considered that his ultimate seduction meal.  He was quite successful, so that too sticks in my head.

AS for today, I went with the humble, yet delicious chicken sandwich.  It is one of my favourite meals and I think I prepare it well.  I also like that it is out of the ordinary and not part of some successful or unsuccessful master plan that I have tried before.  I wanted something new and different and this is what I went for.

The ingredients were:

  • chicken
  • cheese
  • oregano
  • onions
  • tomatoes
  • Ace Bakery Baguette
  • pepper
  • alfalfa sprouts

I must admit that it was messy and my presentation could have been better, but I stand by my work and feel pretty good about it.  Oh, and yes, it tastes great with a cherry Coke.

Breaking a Few Eggs

IMG_20180319_142842990I used to love making omelettes. Then I fell out of love with the idea.  Maybe I read something somewhere that said I shouldn’t eat eggs. Maybe I got lazy.  Maybe I fell in love with another food.

Today, for the first time in a long time, I made an omelette. Why am I sharing it with you?  It isn’t like my omelette turned out fantastically.  I should have used another egg and a better pan…and I should have used the much sweeter red pepper rather than the green one.

I guess I could wax lyrical about how the process is more important than the result. I could explain, quite truthfully, that despite the look of it, it tasted quite good.  However, in an effort not to lie to you, since I have been having lots of technical problems with the cable company, I suspect that my frustration will not allow anything else to be Today’s Perfect Moment.

I haven’t done a lot of cooking lately. Today affirms that it should be a more routine part of my life.  I certainly like eating, so cooking and baking should be the same.

If you wondering about my food photography skills, let me just say, there are some great food photographers out there. I am not one of them.  In my defence, I just don’t want to make you hungry.

Just in case you were wondering, that’s raspberry jam.


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