The Laundry List

Having not written for a few days, I have a bunch of things to declare as Perfect Moments, even if I cannot specify on which days they occurred.

I showed my girlfriend a few episodes of Hell’s Kitchen. I haven’t watched the show for years, but somehow found myself watching a couple of episodes so far this season. She had never seen it and I thought it would be fun to get her reaction. Predictably, she wondered why anyone would take that abuse and appear on the show. While I couldn’t disagree, I suspect that money and prestige are somehow linked to it–though I am not really sure how.

I went out for a walk Sunday. I have been Zwifting a lot and had overlooked the joy of other kinds of exercise. I didn’t walk very far, but as it used other muscles, I definitely could feel the effort at times. Of course, my fitness app, which seems to bother me at times of inactivity, didn’t record all of my effort. So much for digital glory.

Sunday night gave me a chance to catch up with friends via Whatsapp. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, I am very lucky to have the friends I do. Talking to them is the easiest thing and regardless of the time between meeting or talking, it’s like no time has passed at all.

Our conversation ran from Superbowl predictions, to the Mandalorian (which I haven’t seen), to books, to life and all its weird peculiarities. I really hope we can get rid of this pandemic and get out and do things together. The world still owes us our 50th Birthday trip.

I found some great clips on YouTube for building core strength for cycling. I am going to add some of these to my routine this week. I am also going to start a more serious stretching routine. This is an area which I know could benefit me.

I had some delicious meals this weekend. My girlfriend is an excellent cook and her accommodating my desire to eat healthier is fantastic. I can’t do this alone, so support is definitely welcome.

I saw several people driving without their headlights on. I guess they just accidently hit the switch that turned them off. I wish there was some universal signal to tell them. In both cases it was not completely and they were probably easy enough to see–but not necessarily. Something to think about for the next update to the driver’s manual.

I caught Sunday night’s episode of The Ongoing History of New Music program hosted by Alan Cross. I love the program but don’t really consider myself a podcast listener. Either way, I learn so much every time I tune in. Sunday’s topic was plagiarism, theft, and trials in the music world revolving around copyright and ownership. Fascinating to say the least.

Friday’s Two Perfect Moments


There were Two Perfect Moments on Friday.

The first is that I was given a book by a departing student.  That alone should be considered Today’s Perfect Moment.  However, what was really surprising is that instead of getting someone’s favourite book–which would have been awesome too–I was given a book that they thought was perfect for me.

I guess they were paying attention when I said I was interested in cycling.

As for giving books, I often do that and it is my normal fallback gift when in doubt. I don’t know if everyone appreciates it, but a fallback is a fallback.  The books that I tend to give are as follows (in no particular order)

  • Waterland by Graham Swift
  • The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
  • I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison (though often hard to find)
  • Barney’s Version by Mordecai Richler

Apart from just being good books, I am not exactly sure why I often give them to people. I just do.


The second is that I had a chance to meet one of my best friends for dinner. We went to a brew pub founded in Quebec, but now having made substantial strides in franchising or expansion is now available all over Ontario.  The night had everything I wanted which was good conversation, good beer, and good food.  I opted for the chicken waffles–because I had never had it, and I was pleasantly surprised.

The only down-side to the evening was the periodic wafting of pot smell that burst through the open doors. It was right next to Dundas Square and across from the Eaton Centre.  These are bid draws for people, and it was Friday night,  so I guess that was to be expected.

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