Hot Chocolate in a Snowman Mug

The writing of this blog is an act of introspection on my part. I have written about it before….at length. Rather than repeat myself and explain how I choose the what I am going to write about, I would rather explain a little bit about what happens, sometimes, after I choose. This will also explain why this isn’t the post I meant to write for you.

Sometime before now, and I can’t really be that specific, I chose a Moment for Today’s Perfect Moment. I spun it around in my head, possibly composed the either the first few lines of this blogpost, or had some ideas of what I was going to write. Then I forgot it. It completely slipped my mind and no amount of prodding was going to bring that back. Since this has been happening with quite a bit more frequency, I could apply the same solution I have been using lately–that is to say, I could just skip writing the blog and go to bed.

The other option, and the one I am going to take (this time), is to write about my back up Perfect Moment. It might have come in second, but that is because I had already chosen the original topic and completely forgot it. Regardless, let us begin.

Some days you just need a cup of hot chocolate. That’s a bold statement, but no bolder than “some days, you need a good/strong cup of coffee, In my case, it was too late for a cup of coffee and I was craving something sweet.

I was on the couch, watching a documentary about Ernest Hemingway that I had recorded from the PBS station across the border (WNED). It had been on my PVR for quite some time. I had missed the first episode and was reluctant to start on the second. The first had covered my favourite Hemingway book–the Sun Also Rises–and I was less interested in the rest. On this day, however, I decided to hit play and see what it was all about.

Of course, I needed something to drink while watching. I briefly considered something stronger in solidarity with Hemingway, but ultimately rejected it. Instead, I reached into the cupboard and got down the snowman mug (a cross between Frosty and Raymond Briggs’ snowman). I made the hot chocolate, went back to the TV, considered the mug and all its holiday implications, glanced over at the tree and the already wrapped gifts underneath, and pressed play. If only it had been lightly snowing outside.

The program was quite good.

Author: Anthony

I am: equal parts rebel, romantic and shockingly average Joe. a writer trapped inside of an ESL teacher's body. an introverted attention seeker. a teacher who hopes one day to be called "Captain, my Captain." an intellectual who can do some very dumb things. a person whose Japan experience, despite being so long ago, still exerts a strong influence upon him. a lover of books, music, beer, hockey and Pizza.

7 thoughts on “Hot Chocolate in a Snowman Mug”

  1. Hot chocolate in a snowman mug + Hemingway documentary sounds good to me! I had to Google Raymond Briggs snowman. lol I saw all episodes of the Hemingway documentary but have never managed to read a Hemingway book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First and foremost, you definitely need to watch the Raymond Briggs snowman cartoon. It is truly amazing. I now know he has a sequel, and I will have to watch that as well.
      What is keeping you from reading a Hemingway book? Is it the subject matter or the style? I would definitely recommend the Sun Also Rises. It is the one that doesn’t meander like some of the later works. Also the book that exposes the real life of all of those characters called (and I might get it a bit wrong) Everyone Behaves Badly is a treat.
      Do you have a favorite Author amongst the Lost Generation? Also, have you seen that movie with Owen Wilson (or one of the Wilson brothers) where he goes back in time to meet the denizens of Paris at that time?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. WATCH the Snowman…I thought when I Googled it it was a book. You’re saying it’s a cartoon? Ok, I will re-Google. lol

        What is keeping me from reading a Hemingway book. Hmm. I’m not sure, actually. I think the one and only time I tried to read a Hemingway book was when it came up on the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction list. I started reading my way through that list some years ago. Decades ago, maybe. When was Oprah at the height of her popularity? I remember someone (probably Gail lol) gave her every book on that list for Christmas one year. I either started reading them at that point or had already started. Either way, that was awhile ago! So which Hemingway novel is on the list? {Looks} The Old Man And The Sea. For some reason I could not get interested in that book, at the time. I still have quite a ways to go on that list so I’ll have to try again at some point.

        A favorite author amongst the Lost Generation. Well, first I have to Google who the Lost Generation authors are. Hang on a sec… Woah. There’s a lot. Let’s just scroll through the photos and see who I’m familiar with. Gertrude Stein – I’ve heard of her! Fitzgerald – I read Gatsby and I think it is a sign of a great writer that, even though I’ve read the book more than once and I’ve seen the Redford movie a billion times, every time I read the book and every time I see the movie it’s like it’s the first time and I don’t remember what happens to who or who did what. Faulkner!!!! I think he’s another one on the Pulitzer list that I just could NOT. Oh, no, wasn’t him. He’s got two books on the list and I haven’t gotten to them yet. Steinbeck. Yes, I’ve read some of his books and liked them. Grapes of Wrath was just…amazing. Dashiell Hammett – I haven’t read the books but I love the Nick and Norah movies!!! I don’t think I’ve read any of the other Lost Generation writers.

        YES I have seen the Woody Allen film, Midnight in Paris (and yes I can separate the art from the evil artists). Loved it!!! And Lord how I do love that Owen Wilson. He can make me laugh like no other. I’m not big on comedies in general, but that guy…especially when he’s teamed up with Vince Vaughn.

        Also, I ordered myself a personalized hot chocolate mug! lol It hasn’t shipped yet so I guess it will be a January hot chocolate mug. That gives me time to buy little marshmallows and already-crushed peppermints.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It is a book, but they made it into a …maybe 12 minute cartoon. It is silent, set to some classical music. I watched it numerous times while flying from Japan to Canada, and back one year…probably 1994-1995. I had to transfer planes on each leg of the round trip journey and I think it featured on all the flights. That was back in the day before you could choose your own movies. It was cute.

        I can’t wait to see pictures of your mug.

        I am not a big fan of the Gatsby. They made a big deal of it in high school, but I was into reading other things and I still don’t care much for Fitzgerald–although I did like his letter to his daughter–If memory serve me correctly, he decided to daub her “eggy” Fitzgerald.

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