That’s a Wrap



Before explaining Today’s Perfect Moment, I want to explain a few of the Honourable Mentions.

Honourable Mentions

A couple of my students gave me going away presents. I often get presents, but since Today was Valentine’s Day, I expected their chocolate/gift budget would be oriented toward their significant others.  Since it wasn’t, I got a lovely bookmark and two boxes of Lindt Chocolate.  Despite the Valentine’s Day theme, I don’t think these were for Valentine’s Day.

Preparation for the trip continues to roll on.

The temperature was into double digit lows plus the wind-chill but I didn’t have to wait for a bus today. When I arrived at the stops, the bus was already there waiting.

My lunch tasted good.

Today’s Perfect Moment

My teaching hours changed this past week. While I didn’t appreciate the shorter work hours and now have to find creative ways to recover them, there is one thing I did enjoy.  I finished work early on a Friday for the first time since….actually I don’t remember when it was.  I suspect it was mid Spring last year.

Normally I have to teach until 6:30 on a Friday. By the time, I get my administrative duties completed and putting stuff back, it is closer to 7 before I can leave the building.  Today was different.  I walked out the door at 3:30.  The sun was still shining!

I should also add that this was my last day of work until my vacation is over. This made it extra-special.  Obviously, it is Today’s Perfect Moment.  It also didn’t feel too bad when everyone wished me a great vacation either.

Author: Anthony

I am: equal parts rebel, romantic and shockingly average Joe. a writer trapped inside of an ESL teacher's body. an introverted attention seeker. a teacher who hopes one day to be called "Captain, my Captain." an intellectual who can do some very dumb things. a person whose Japan experience, despite being so long ago, still exerts a strong influence upon him. a lover of books, music, beer, hockey and Pizza.

6 thoughts on “That’s a Wrap”

  1. It’s always so nice to feel appreciated. You must mean a lot to your students that they go out of their way to give you little gifts. And congrats on getting to leave early on a Friday!!!

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