Hiking Boots: Check!


Armed with gift cards from my 50th birthday, I headed to Mountain Equipment Co-op to get some hiking boots. Part of my next adventure is a four day hike and I didn’t think it was wise to tackle it in sandals–regardless of how much I like them.

Going to the store is both wonderful and horrible at the same time. There is so much stuff that I want,  that I believe I need , that I believe I deserve…you see where this is going don’t you?  It wouldn’t take much of an effort to spend this month’s mortgage payment on equipment and stuff for my next two trips and cycling adventures.

I decided to get the boots today because I should break them in a bit before I leave. I have enough lead time that this is possible and shouldn’t present a problem.  These are not winter boots, but they are waterproof so I don’t suppose a few laps around the block will hurt them unless I come upon a big salt pile.

In addition to buying the boots and some expensive socks, I spent time talking to the sales associates. Though this is a retail store, the people who work there have all swallowed the kool-aid for the outdoor lifestyle.  They’ve got practical experience to help me and also have given me some questions I had better find answers to before I leave–mostly about the climate conditions of where I am going and how we will be transported.  Having the right clothing on the hike could make a difference in my comfort and enjoyment level.

I managed to leave the store without breaking the bank. I did spend a bit of time lusting over some bike parts, though.  I also lingered a bit too long at the Go Pro counter.  There is just too much to look at and dream about at that particular store.

Is there a store which makes you want to spend every dollar you have?  Is there something you really want, but can’t justify the price?

Author: Anthony

I am: equal parts rebel, romantic and shockingly average Joe. a writer trapped inside of an ESL teacher's body. an introverted attention seeker. a teacher who hopes one day to be called "Captain, my Captain." an intellectual who can do some very dumb things. a person whose Japan experience, despite being so long ago, still exerts a strong influence upon him. a lover of books, music, beer, hockey and Pizza.

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